Thursday, March 11, 2004

Wahooo! Hello Marilyn and Michael!
Once you open the blogger you grab whatever you'd like to edit from the screen below, copy it to the screen above and change it in whatever way you like - indicating your changes using the command to make something bold (heavy dark capital letter B upper right) or italicized (the leaning capital I right next to the B)

As far as Word functionality is concerned, Marilyn, that is harder to come by and involves installing a special collaborative software actually on our website. I'm working on that in association with the Making a Difference in the Presidential Process action that will be my dissertation research.

Editing Marilyn's post as though it were collaborative would look something like this then, changes in bold and directly comparable within the same page to her original message:
Brandon here,

Marilyn and her new puppy are trying out this blog thing. Go Marilyn! I'd love to meet her and introduce Francisco! She is sitting on my hands trying to eat the keyboard. If we have to do all that cutting and pasting here two, I think we should continue looking for options.

I would like a system which works like WORD were you can edit the sentence assisning a different color to each editor and can see the history on the document.

Marilyn and Brandon

For now, can we get used to this for a while? It's free and very usable. Be honest, please. If you really won't use it please say so and I'll keep trying. Would you be willing to contribute less than $10/mo to a new set-up and collaborative tool?

I hear your appeal for more action and direction and I am certainly headed there. I believe Leon, Patricia, and Levi have agreed to either help out or contribute creatively. Have you read the proposal yet?

try clicking on or just cutting and pasting this link to get to the proposal:


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